March 2024
Digest of key sustainability news from June 2023 to January 2024. It reflects the most significant ESG events that occurred in Russia, the BRICS countries and Kazakhstan.
March 2024
September 2023
There is a range of environmental conservation measures being taken from region to region. Investments in renewable energy generation, carbon neutral zones and carbon-free landfills, grants and preferential taxation for social entrepreneurs.
September 2023
September 2023
The global discourse around the ESG agenda is intensifying.
Recent significant legislative initiatives and developments in the field of sustainable development in China, Russia and Kazakhstan.
September 2023
December 2022
Ploggying-races, creation of green city, centers of youth innovative creativity, schools of social entrepreneurship, «green corridor» for investors, analysis of the different market niches potential for SMEs and other initiatives by regional authorities.
December 2022
September 2022
Regulated and voluntary carbon markets. Analysis of the regulated systems of EU, China and Kazakhstan. System for trading quotas in Sakhalin.
September 2022
June 2022
China is the major greenhouse gas emitter, and therefore its climate activity has received special attention. What is the East’s green agenda?
June 2022
April 2022
The SBS Consulting team assessed the level of compliance of the sets of performance indicators declared by public companies in their annual reports with modern approaches to the development of KPI systems and the principles of reporting according to ESG standards.
April 2022
September 2021
Rating of the largest Russian companies in the oil and gas, mining and telecommunications industries by degree of openness of ESG information.
September 2021
September 2021
ESG principles cover the environmental, social and managerial aspects of companies' activities. History of the development of principles of responsible investment, description of ESG factors and their degree of influence on companies in Russia and worldwide.
September 2021
September 2021
How does the climate agenda affect corporate governance decisions? The plan for implementation of the environmental management system in the company, description of carbon footprint calculation levels, financial instruments and measures to support «green» projects.
September 2021
September 2021
Key milestones in the carbon agenda, decarbonization technologies and carbon management measures.
September 2021
September 2021
Sewage sludge is a problem of modern urban development and promising raw materials for the production of useful products, biogas, fertilizers.
Technical and economic aspects of the prospects for the introduction of various recycling technologies.
September 2021