August 2021
Analysis of the world and Russian market for meat production from vegetable proteins. Description of the biggest players in the market and their product offer,  comparison of different technologies for producing «alternative» meat.
August 2021
October 2021
The main market trends: short, medium and long term. The market problems in Russia are systemic, regulatory, infrastructural, technological and educational.
October 2021
October 2021
Formalization of the main directions of FoodNet - Russian concept «food industry 4.0», experience in development, creation and implementation of relevant products and technologies by Russian companies.
October 2021
October 2021
Current state of the FoodTech market in Russia. The most developed segments in the country, analysis of the activities of leaders and main features of the Russian market FoodTech.
October 2021
October 2021
FoodTech - one of the fastest growing markets, which can reach $300 billion in turnover by 2022.
Analysis of the global FoodTech market - main segments, key trends and development prospects until 2026.
October 2021
February 2021
Еhe NWR market in Russia increased by 14% annually in the period 2015-2018, for 9 months of 2020 it grew by 24% compared to the same period in 2019. According to the forecasts of SBS Consulting experts, the consumption of NWR in Russia will continue to grow and by 2025 will exceed the indicators of 2020 by 40-45%.
February 2021
March 2019
How has the greenhouse market developed? What are the trends in the development of greenhouse farms in Russia and in the world? Prospects of development of the greenhouse farms in the territory of the Russian Federation, main factors of success, risks and tools for their management.
March 2019
March 2019
The place of Russia in organic farming, the potential for development of this area of traditional agricultural holdings.
March 2019